
Automatically fix ESLint code validation errors in Visual Studio Code

Just found this very interesting feature in Visual Studio Code. It turns out that if you break a style rule, and you get a warning from ESLint, if you click on the lightbulb that appears on the gutter, near the line number where the error is, you get a “Fix problem” option.

At first, I wasn’t sure if this was built into VSCode or in the the ESLint extension I’m using. After looking into this, I found that the extension not only provides that functionality but it offers many more nice things like auto fixing all “fixable” validation errors on save.

Check it out: ESLint by Dirk Baeumer. By the way, it has 1.5+m installs!

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Update: Follow-up video - Fix all errors

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/qYOw2z6Og8I

This update comes after I started some refactoring work on a personal project. It was then, when I saw that the plugin is also able to fix multiple style errors. Check it out!

Photo credits:

Mitch BarrieAutomation

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