
Does reading in a foreign language affect learning?

/ Quora / Opinion

This is not the usual type of article you’d expect from me. It’s a more detailed description for a question I asked on Quora — Does reading in a foreign language affect learning?. The point is that I’m not sure if and how does reading in a foreign language affect learning. How does it affect what you recall from what you read? I’m asking the question because I’ve been monitoring my progress on various books and it always seemed that I’m better at remembering details from the ones written in Romanian rather than English or French.

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Here’s Why We Just Can't Agree on One JavaScript Framework

/ Quora / Opinion / JavaScript

Indeed! Why can’t we just get along and use one single JavaScript framework? Or two!? Here’s what I think about this situation that a lot of people consider a problem. I think it’s a huge opportunity, actually! This whole disagreement is actually one of the things that made JavaScript so popular! What follows is a dichotomy between two world views on the same topic. Part 1: The Pessimistic View There is a lot of personal preference involved, along with ignorance, hype and superficiality.

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Six Things About JavaScript Which If You Don't Know, Signal to Others That You Are Still A Beginner

/ JavaScript / Quora

This is a question I’ve struggled with a lot, while trying to optimise the way I interview people. I don’t want to misjudge people, or evaluate them the wrong way, so I took some time and dug through my head, scoured the Internet for resources and narrowed down to a simple list. This is not a definitive list, I must state this loud and clear, before you even start reading. None of the points outlined here should be taken in isolation.

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