
Enable JWT authentication for the Wordpress REST API

/ Software Development / DevOps

This video shows you how to enable JWT authentication for the Wordpress REST API. You will first create a kickass Wordpress development using the official MySQL and Wordpress images from the Docker hub and then go through the whole plugin setup and testing process. Below are the links to everything used in this video Info about JSON Web Tokens and the JWT Authentication Plugin https://jwt.io/ https://enriquechavez.co/ https://wordpress.org/plugins/jwt-authentication-for-wp-rest-api/ https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/jwt/ How to access the Wordpress Rest API (permalink structure setup) https://stackoverflow.

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Centralized vs. decentralized CI / CD strategies for multiple teams

/ DevOps / Productivity

Last week I saw this very interesting Twitter thread, about CI/CD strategies for multiple teams. The question was whether or not one should go on a centralized, or a decentralized strategy for setting up continuous integration for multiple teams inside the same organization. This article tries to distil the key points of that discussion. The centralized model You might be right, thinking that going centralized is the best choice. Everybody uses the same infrastructure, the same technologies and future, cross-cutting projects can look like a breeze.

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Go from Node.js app to microservices with MONOLITHSPL/T

I’ve been working a lot with microservices in the past couple of years. It is during this time that I found how many issues can arise from putting an accent on delivery while disregarding architecture. This is why I decided to create MONOLITHSPL/T. I want to help businesses migrate their monolithic Node.js applications to a microservices architecture, improve the quality of their products as well as their overall delivery. My goal is to provide clear, actionable steps, to move away from poor architectural decisions made under pressure.

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🙇‍♂️ Thoughts on software development process

/ Opinion / DevOps / Software Development

I was talking to a developer, over lunch, about some of the struggles the team I’m currently with is facing. I was telling him about the long hours we had to spend to deliver some work to the client, our code quality issues and the overall experience level of the team. His answer: Well, that’s because you don’t do sprints and you don’t do SCRUM. Let’s set this straight. Imagine your non-delivering, junior-riddled, no-BA, requirements-lacking, yes-sir-managed team is a fat person.

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Set up a RabbitMQ cluster on your laptop using Docker

/ Infrastructure / Videos / DevOps

Learn how to quickly set up a local RabbitMQ cluster using nothing more than the official RabbitMQ Docker image. I will show you two versions that you can use to launch the cluster: one using docker run and the other using docker-compose. You’re going to learn how to enable clustering in RabbitMQ, how to make Docker containers work with each other as well as how to easily test a RabbitMQ infrastructure without even having to install RabbitMQ.

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Copy files from a Docker container to the host

/ DevOps / Productivity

I created a short video to help you understand the basics of using the docker cp command. It is meant to help people who are using Docker understand how to copy a file from a running Docker container to their host machine. In my case, I’m using a container I built for a personal project, which creates PDF documents from websites. The generated document, resides exclusively inside the container. It is then copied using docker cp to my host machine, where I can open and inspect it.

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X in a box - containers for developers video series?

For quite some time I wanted to help developers better understand Docker containers. I’ve been working with containers for the past 2.5 years and like most of you, I was just a full stack JavaScript developer. I had to learn how to use Docker containers with no previous knowledge and little or no guidance. It was like being thrown off a plane with an umbrella instead of a parachute. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

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WIP How to convince your manager to use Docker in production

/ Productivity / DevOps

So you’re sold on Docker. You’re using it to do your daily job but nobody knows. You managed to create a separate environment, you have all your tools and everything needed to run all four projects you’re currently working on. You’d like to tell the team but they will probably laugh. Everybody knows that virtual machines eat up a lot of resources and your workstations aren’t that powerful after all.

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How to set up your CI/CD pipeline for faster feedback

/ Productivity / DevOps

One of the biggest issues that plagues teams doing some form of Continuous Integration / Delivery / Deployment is execution time. If the pipeline is slow, then the feedback loop is slow. If the code takes 30 minutes to pass through the pipeline and build only to fail in UAT or even worse, production, precious time is wasted (and money). Going fast is not only about shipping fast but also about failing fast.

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The reasons I chose Docker

/ DevOps / Infrastructure

Technology changes really fast. Sometimes, it changes so fast you don’t even notice when bleeding-edge novelties become industry standard. In this article I will be using my 2 years of experience migrating projects to Docker and give you the necessary arguments to help you make the decision to migrate to Docker. What is Docker? In short, according to the official website “Docker is a software containerization platform”. It allows you to bundle you application code / artifacts along with the environment used to run your application, into a single chunk called the Docker image.

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