

jQuery, Babel, React Native and the importance of making mistakes

/ Software Development / Opinion

It wasn’t very long ago when we didn’t have all these generators, scaffolders, bootstraps etc. Not long since we used to include a small library into every project. You got it right, people, I’m talking about jQuery. Actually, the article is not about jQuery. The title can be regarded as a clickbait but I had to draw your attention to something important. Consider this article a parallel between jQuery and the web platform’s current state of affairs.

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X in a box - containers for developers video series?

For quite some time I wanted to help developers better understand Docker containers. I’ve been working with containers for the past 2.5 years and like most of you, I was just a full stack JavaScript developer. I had to learn how to use Docker containers with no previous knowledge and little or no guidance. It was like being thrown off a plane with an umbrella instead of a parachute. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

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React Native + NavigatorIOS + Bad Habits = 2 wasted hours

/ Software Development

Long story short: I’ve never worked with React Native and wanted to give it a spin. Setup was a breeze, and I was able to get the app to work in the iOS simulator in a matter of minutes. What came after, is a story about bad habits. A couple of stack traces and some style updates later, I said to myself: “Does this thing have navigation?”. So I found NavigatorIOS in the docs.

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Working with Vue.js after React and Angular

/ Software Development / Opinion

I wanted to work with Vue.js on a “real” project for quite some time. Last night, I decided to migrate a very small portion of a larger project to Vue. In the next week or so, I plan on publishing a small series of articles about this experience. Setup Very quick setup, no headaches. The guide is straightforward and the fact that they also offer a CLI makes the experience more enjoyable for command-line junkies like myself.

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How are regular functions and function expressions different in JavaScript?

/ Software Development

I’ve been asked this question countless times during mentorship meetings, meetup networking sessions and forums. – What is the difference between assigning an anonymous function to a variable and a regular function? To know this difference the only requirement is to know how hoisting works in JavaScript. TL;DR – Hoisting The main difference between a function expression and a regular function is the following: Regular functions are hoisted to the top of the scope, with their full body whilst function expressions are hoisted like regular variables.

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WIP How to convince your manager to use Docker in production

/ Productivity / DevOps

So you’re sold on Docker. You’re using it to do your daily job but nobody knows. You managed to create a separate environment, you have all your tools and everything needed to run all four projects you’re currently working on. You’d like to tell the team but they will probably laugh. Everybody knows that virtual machines eat up a lot of resources and your workstations aren’t that powerful after all.

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How to set up your CI/CD pipeline for faster feedback

/ Productivity / DevOps

One of the biggest issues that plagues teams doing some form of Continuous Integration / Delivery / Deployment is execution time. If the pipeline is slow, then the feedback loop is slow. If the code takes 30 minutes to pass through the pipeline and build only to fail in UAT or even worse, production, precious time is wasted (and money). Going fast is not only about shipping fast but also about failing fast.

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The reasons I chose Docker

/ DevOps / Infrastructure

Technology changes really fast. Sometimes, it changes so fast you don’t even notice when bleeding-edge novelties become industry standard. In this article I will be using my 2 years of experience migrating projects to Docker and give you the necessary arguments to help you make the decision to migrate to Docker. What is Docker? In short, according to the official website “Docker is a software containerization platform”. It allows you to bundle you application code / artifacts along with the environment used to run your application, into a single chunk called the Docker image.

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How to properly override the ENTRYPOINT using docker run

/ DevOps / Productivity

As we all know, Docker is an amazing piece of software. I don’t want to go over its benefits. That’s for another article, coming very soon. What I do want to share with you is the way to properly override a Docker image entrypoint when using docker run. READMORE From the official documentation: The ENTRYPOINT of an image is similar to a COMMAND because it specifies what executable to run when the container starts, but it is (purposely) more difficult to override

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Fix Ctrl-P indexing in Vim/NeoVim

/ Productivity

I started using NeoVim a year ago and I siwtch between it and Visual Studio Code quite often. I use NeoVim mostly when I do text editing. I use it almost exclusively when writing blog articles, notes or doing research. In the past couple of weeks, whenever I tried to use Ctrl-P to find an article and edit it, it seemed like it could not find anything in my posts directory.

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