

How to check if a JavaScript object is empty

/ JavaScript / Software Development

I had the following snippet of code and wanted to log an error only if whatever the catch block receives is an actual object with actual values. Needed a solution. try { const attr = await this.contract.methods.attributes(index) .call(this.defaultConfig); const identifierText = Web3.utils.hexToUtf8(attr); return identifierText; } catch (attributeNotFoundError) { logger.error(`Attribute not found`, attributeNotFoundError); return null; } The code calls a smart contract getter, using Web3.js, retrieves whatever the return value is, and returns its plain text representation.

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12 things about JavaScript business owners and recruiters MUST know

/ Opinion / Business advice

Don’t you just hate it when you’re totally outside the loop when you need to hire a JavaScript developer?! Here’s a short list of concepts and keywords and the simplest explanation I could muster for each. Know these things and you will be able to make far more informed decisions (and you won’t piss your candidates off, in the process). 1. It’s JavaScript, not Java Script TL;DR Java is to JavaScript what car is to carpet.

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Does reading in a foreign language affect learning?

/ Quora / Opinion

This is not the usual type of article you’d expect from me. It’s a more detailed description for a question I asked on Quora — Does reading in a foreign language affect learning?. The point is that I’m not sure if and how does reading in a foreign language affect learning. How does it affect what you recall from what you read? I’m asking the question because I’ve been monitoring my progress on various books and it always seemed that I’m better at remembering details from the ones written in Romanian rather than English or French.

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My fear of publishing

/ Opinion

Here’s a funny story: I have around 70 unpublished articles in various stages of evolution — from only an outline and a title all the way to fully fledged articles. I also have four book ideas out of which two are almost done, five or so courses that are fully outlined as well as a host of product ideas. Now, I’m not saying all of them are good. I’m not the first or the last person with a highly active brain.

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Blasphemy! Multiple microservices, shared database.

/ Opinion

Here are some of my thoughts on microservices. It’s a small rant, but if you bare with me, you’ll also get some value from it. We’ve come to believe that some microservices rules are set in stone. The microservices cargo-cult is getting bigger and bigger. You need to have 30 services and each of them should be no bigger than a couple of functions. You shouldn’t use a single database for multiple services.

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The techpreneur's productivity dilemma

/ Productivity / Entrepreneurship

“I want to code!” It’s the little voice in your head, constantly pestering you to get productive. Replace code with any technology-related hard skill and you have the tech person’s productivity dilemma. But what does it mean to be productive? What does it mean to be productive as a solo professional? If you’re a freelance developer and you don’t code, you might feel like you’re not doing the right thing. You might feel like you’re being unproductive.

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Harsh Truths I Learned As a Junior Developer

/ Opinion

A lot of mixed feelings may grow on you while working as a junior developer. You have the choice of feeling powerless and less smarter than your peers or full of energy and desire to learn from people who know more than you do. You can look at others, compare yourself to them and grow frustrated, or look up to them and strive to become a better version of yourself.

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Here’s Why We Just Can't Agree on One JavaScript Framework

/ Quora / Opinion / JavaScript

Indeed! Why can’t we just get along and use one single JavaScript framework? Or two!? Here’s what I think about this situation that a lot of people consider a problem. I think it’s a huge opportunity, actually! This whole disagreement is actually one of the things that made JavaScript so popular! What follows is a dichotomy between two world views on the same topic. Part 1: The Pessimistic View There is a lot of personal preference involved, along with ignorance, hype and superficiality.

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Six Things About JavaScript Which If You Don't Know, Signal to Others That You Are Still A Beginner

/ JavaScript / Quora

This is a question I’ve struggled with a lot, while trying to optimise the way I interview people. I don’t want to misjudge people, or evaluate them the wrong way, so I took some time and dug through my head, scoured the Internet for resources and narrowed down to a simple list. This is not a definitive list, I must state this loud and clear, before you even start reading. None of the points outlined here should be taken in isolation.

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If you’re looking to revamp your website and you’re serious about this, you probably found mentions of static site generators, static sites and the JAMStack, on the Internet. Unfortunately, for every article that tries to explain what are the benefits of using a static site generators, there are other 10 explaining why static sites are not good. In theory: HTML, data and CSS are served from the same place So Adrian, what’s a static site and why do I need one?

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